Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Term 3 Edu Visits

Alhamdulillah, we had just gone for our Term 3 edu visit. It was indeed an enjoyable trip. Thank you teachers for planning such an enjoyable trip for us. Looking forward to more trips next term. Enjoy the video...

NEA Dance Competition

Yippee!! Iman Simei Childcare was one of the qualifying teams in our recent 'Battle of the Best' competition. We were given the opportunity to represent IMAN in the Preschool Environmental Dance Competition organized by the NEA @ Nanyang Girls High School.

We enjoyed the experience and hope to make it to the finals..:)

All geared up for the competition.....

Getting ready.....

Counting down the seconds to their performance....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Celebrating the red and white....

Teachers and all the iMANites at Tenagaville celebrated Singapore's 45th birthday last Friday.

It was a meaningful celebration where children were able to show their love and pride towards their country.

WE would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for contributing some snacks and goodies for our little iMANites. Your support is very much appreciated.