Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kidz @ work! Busy busy busy...

Hi! Take a peep at what we are doing in class at Iman Bukit Batok.....cheers!

Irfan is busy counting the number of cloth pegs at the Logic Smart Station.

Teacher, it is Umairah's turn to count the cloth pegs.

Shhh...Don't disturb me Abbas. I am putting these cookies back in the jar.

We twist, we turn and we shake in this Twister Game.

Can you locate the first picture in this memory game, Juhendre?


Introducing the class of Piaget(s) with Tr Luklu..

Drum roll Please........................

Piaget 1

Piaget 2

Piaget 3

Look at how happy they are.........

Nursery Vygotsky with Tr Syira

Vygotsky 1

Vygotsky 2
(We are ready to go home, teacher!)

Vygotsky 3

Here's the K2 Gardner class

Gardner 1

Gardner 3

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Show & Tell @ Iman Ysn

Let me tell you a story about Ez Elephant.

Let me introduce you to my family.

Outdoor play @ iMAN YSN

Yippeeeeeeee! I got it and I am not letting it go!
Look at me fly for the ball!

Are you ready? At the count of three, grab the ball!

Look Teacher Ilah! I am crawling just like a baby! Does that make me adorable?

Run! Run as fast as you can Saqina!

Hoops...hoops...hooOOOOpppsss around all!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Theme Board & Learning Studio @ YSN

Look at the playgroup children. They are matching the pictures to the correct shadow.
yey! i found the correct shadow!

They are enjoying their picnic at the Learning Studio.

I made a special drink for you! Come and taste it....